How Much Does a Surgical Brow Lift Cost 2024 in Turkey

How Much Does a Surgical Brow Lift Cost 2024 in Turkey

How Much Does a Surgical Brow Lift Cost 2024 in Turkey

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The average cost of Brow lift in Turkey ranges from 2236$ to 4168$

United States of AmericaTurkeyUnited Kingdom
Brow liftfrom $6785from $2236from $5256


What is a brow lift?

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to address drooping brows and forehead wrinkles. It aims to achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance by:

  • Lifting sagging brows: Over time, the muscles and skin around the eyebrows lose elasticity, causing them to droop and potentially hood the eyelids. A brow lift elevates the brows to a more alert and open position.
  • Reducing forehead wrinkles: Horizontal wrinkles across the forehead and vertical frown lines between the brows can be smoothed out or minimized through a brow lift.
  • Improving overall facial appearance: By addressing these concerns, a brow lift can create a more refreshed and harmonious look to the upper face.

What are different types of brow lift procedures?

Here are some of the different types of brow lift procedures:

  • Endoscopic brow lift: This minimally invasive technique uses small incisions and an endoscope (a thin, lighted tube) to lift the brows and reposition underlying tissues.
  • Coronal brow lift: This traditional approach involves an incision across the top of the head, hidden within the hairline, to access and lift the forehead tissues.
  • Temporal brow lift: This option targets the outer portion of the brows for lifting and addressing crow’s feet wrinkles. It typically involves incisions at the temples.

What does a brow lift do?

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, does several things to address the appearance of the upper face:

As we age, muscles and skin around the eyebrows lose elasticity, causing them to droop and potentially hood the eyelids. A brow lift elevates the brows to a higher position, creating a more alert and open appearance.
Horizontal lines across the forehead and vertical frown lines between the brows can be smoothed out or minimized through a brow lift. This is achieved by tightening underlying muscles and removing or repositioning excess skin.
By addressing the above concerns, a brow lift aims to create a more youthful, refreshed, and harmonious look to the upper face. It can also make you appear less tired or angry, depending on the initial position of your brows.
  • Opens up the upper eye area: Lifting hooded eyelids can improve vision and make you look more awake.
  • Increases confidence: Some people find that a brow lift boosts their self-esteem and confidence by addressing features that bother them.

Will a brow lift change my eye shape?

A brow lift won’t directly change your eye shape, but it can indirectly make them appear wider, more open, or slightly lifted depending on your needs and the specific procedure. If you have specific eye shape goals, discuss them with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Who is a candidate for a brow lift?

Here’s a summary of who might be a good candidate for a brow lift:

  • Bothered by:
    • Sagging brows that make you look tired, angry, or older than you feel.
    • Deep frown lines between the brows.
    • Hooded eyelids due to excess skin above the eyes.
  • Generally healthy:
    • No major medical conditions that could impact healing.
    • Non-smoker (smoking affects healing).
  • Realistic expectations:
    • Understands the limitations and potential risks of the procedure.
    • Seeks improvement, not perfection.

Can I get multiple cosmetic procedures done at the same time as a brow lift?

Yes, it’s true that you can potentially combine certain cosmetic procedures with a brow lift, depending on various factors. Here are some commonly combined procedures with their visual representations:

  • Facelift
  • Mini Facelift
  • Neck Lift
  • Upper or Lower Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

How common is a brow lift?

Brow lifts are quite common, with over 88,000 done annually in the US alone. They rank among the top 10 cosmetic procedures for both men and women. However, remember this doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone – always consult a qualified surgeon for personalized advice.

Procedure Details

What happens before a brow lift procedure?

Before a brow lift procedure, you can expect several crucial steps:

  • Meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Discuss your goals, expectations, and medical history.
  • Physical examination: The surgeon assesses your facial anatomy, skin quality, and overall health.
  • Discuss procedure options: Explore different brow lift techniques based on your needs.
  • Discuss risks and complications: Understand the potential downsides and recovery process.
  • Pre-operative instructions: Receive specific guidelines like stopping smoking, adjusting medications, and avoiding certain supplements.
  • Medical clearance: Depending on your health, you might need clearance from your primary doctor.
  • Blood tests: Routine blood tests may be required to assess your health before surgery.
  • Photography: The surgeon may take photos of your face for documentation and planning.
  • Medications: Stop certain medications and supplements (like aspirin) that can increase bleeding risk.
  • Smoking cessation: Quitting smoking several weeks before surgery improves healing and reduces complications.
  • Fasting: You will likely be instructed to avoid food and drink after a certain time.
  • Arrange transportation: Plan someone to drive you home after surgery.
  • Relaxation: Ensure you're well-rested and comfortable going into the procedure.

What should I do to prepare for a brow lift procedure?

Preparing for a brow lift requires several important steps to ensure a safe and successful experience. Here’s a breakdown of key actions you should take:

  • Research brow lift procedures: Familiarize yourself with different techniques, risks, and potential outcomes.
  • Develop a list of questions: Jot down key points you want to clarify with your surgeon during the consultation.
  • Gather medical records: Prepare any relevant medical history documents or medication lists.
  • Discuss your goals and expectations: Clearly communicate what you hope to achieve with the procedure.
  • Ask questions thoroughly: Address all your concerns and uncertainties about the procedure, recovery, and results.
  • Be honest about your medical history: Disclose any existing health conditions, medications, or allergies.
  • ollow pre-operative instructions: This might include stopping smoking, adjusting medications, avoiding certain supplements, and arranging transportation for your procedure.
  • Schedule necessary tests: If required, complete blood tests or other medical evaluations as recommended by your surgeon.
  • Prepare your recovery space: Set up a comfortable area at home with necessary supplies like ice packs, pillows, pain medication, and easy-to-reach food.
  • Relax and manage expectations: Maintain a positive outlook while also having realistic expectations about the procedure and recovery process.
  • Quit smoking well in advance: This significantly improves healing and reduces complications.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water before and after surgery.
  • Get enough sleep: Ensure you're well-rested before the procedure.
  • Choose comfortable clothing: Opt for loose-fitting clothes that are easy to put on and take off after surgery.
  • Prepare entertainment: Have books, music, or other distractions ready for your recovery period.

Is a brow lift an inpatient or outpatient procedure?

In most cases, a brow lift is an outpatient procedure, meaning you won’t need to stay overnight in a hospital. This is because modern techniques and anesthesia options allow for safe and effective treatment without requiring extended hospitalization.

What happens during a brow lift procedure?

During a brow lift procedure, the specific steps vary depending on the chosen technique, but here’s a general overview:

  • You'll change into a surgical gown and receive anesthesia (local or general, depending on the complexity).
  • The surgical area will be disinfected and prepped.
  • Your surgeon might mark the incision lines on your forehead with a pen.
  • The surgeon makes incisions based on the chosen technique, such as:
    • Coronal: Across the top of your head, hidden within the hairline.
    • Endoscopic: Smaller incisions and an endoscope for deeper tissue access.
    • Temporal: At the temples for lifting outer brows and crow's feet.
  • Underlying muscles and tissues are repositioned or adjusted to lift the brows.
  • Excess skin and fat might be removed to achieve the desired shape and contour.
  • The incisions are carefully closed with sutures, staples, or skin adhesives.
  • Bandages or dressings might be applied to protect the surgical site.
  • You'll be monitored in a recovery area until stable enough to go home.

Is a brow lift painful?

A brow lift itself isn’t painful thanks to anesthesia. Afterwards, expect some discomfort, managed with meds and self-care like ice packs and rest. Discuss pain concerns with your surgeon for a personalized plan.

What happens after a brow lift procedure?

Following a brow lift, expect a recovery process with some key phases:

  • Swelling and bruising: Most prominent around the eyes and forehead, gradually subsiding within a week.
  • Pain management: Use prescribed medication and ice packs as directed by your surgeon.
  • Head elevation: Sleep with your head elevated to reduce swelling.
  • Restricted activity: Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting.
  • Sutures removal: Typically done within a week or two after surgery.
  • Reduced swelling and bruising: Progressing improvement in facial appearance.
  • Returning to activities: Gradually resume your normal routine, avoiding strenuous activities until cleared by your surgeon.
  • Final results: Full appreciation of the brow lift's impact after swelling subsides completely.
  • Scar fading: Scars may initially be noticeable but gradually fade over time.
  • Maintenance: Follow healthy lifestyle habits like sun protection to preserve your results.


What are the advantages of a brow lift procedure?

Here’s a condensed rundown of the potential advantages of a brow lift:

  • Lifted, more youthful brows: Reduces droopy appearance and opens up the upper face.
  • Reduced wrinkles and creases: Smooths forehead wrinkles and frown lines.
  • Brighter eyes: Can improve visibility and create a more alert, awake look.
  • Enhanced facial harmony: Balances proportions and creates a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.
  • Boosted self-esteem: Can address features that bother you and enhance your confidence.
  • More positive self-perception: May improve your overall satisfaction with your appearance.
  • Potential emotional benefits: Feeling better about your looks can impact other aspects of your life.
  • Minimally invasive options: Some techniques offer less downtime and scar visibility.
  • Long-lasting results: Can provide several years of aesthetic improvement.
  • Personalized approach: Tailored to your specific needs and desired outcome.

What are the risks or complications of a brow lift procedure?

A brow lift has potential benefits like younger look, confidence boost, and long-lasting results. But remember, there are risks too: anesthesia issues, bleeding, scarring, nerve damage, hair loss, and even eye problems. Always consult a certified surgeon to weigh the pros and cons for your specific case.

Does a brow lift cause scars?

Brow lifts do cause scars, but they’re typically placed in hidden areas like the hairline and fade significantly over time. Individual healing and surgeon skill influence scar visibility. Discuss these concerns with Estevien Clinic for personalized advice.

Recovery and Outlook

What can I expect as I recover from a brow lift procedure?

Recovering from a brow lift involves several phases:

  • Swelling and bruising: Most prominent around eyes and forehead, gradually subsiding within a week.
  • Pain management: Use prescribed medication and ice packs as directed.
  • Head elevation: Sleep with your head elevated to reduce swelling.
  • Restricted activity: Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting.
  • Sutures removed: Typically done within a week or two.
  • Reduced swelling and bruising: Progressing improvement in facial appearance.
  • Returning to activities: Gradually resume your normal routine, avoiding strenuous activities until cleared by your surgeon.
  • Final results: Full appreciation of the brow lift's impact after swelling subsides completely.
  • Scar fading: Scars may initially be noticeable but gradually fade over time.
  • Maintenance: Follow healthy lifestyle habits like sun protection to preserve your results.

What is the recovery time for a brow lift?

While brow lift recovery varies individually, expect initial swelling and limited activity for days 1-3. Weeks 1-4 bring suture removal and gradual return to routine activities. By months 3-6, you’ll see final results with faded scars and can resume most activities. Consult your surgeon for a personalized timeline.

When will I see the results of a brow lift?

You’ll see the complete cosmetic effect, including final scar appearance, after 3-6 months when swelling fully subsides.

How long does a brow lift last?

Surgical lifts typically last 10-12 years, while non-surgical options like Botox last 3-5 years. Remember, aging continues, so results gradually diminish. Touch-up procedures can extend the effects. Consult a qualified surgeon for personalized advice and realistic expectations.

Conclusion and Evaluation

Estevien Clinic is a plastic surgery clinic located in Istanbul, Turkey. They offer a variety of procedures, including brow lifts. A brow lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can be used to lift the eyebrows and forehead, creating a more youthful appearance.

The cost of a brow lift at Estevien Clinic varies depending on the individual’s needs and the specific procedure performed. However, it is generally more affordable than having the procedure done in the United States or Europe.

If you are considering having a brow lift at Estevien Clinic, it is important to consult with Estevien plastic surgeon to discuss your options and make sure that you are a good candidate for the procedure.